
For Successful Business | Success Is Not A Secret; It’s This System

There are so many books, articles, blog posts, videos and podcasts that tell us how to reach the pinnacle of success; what to do for a successful business. But what gets me is that success itself is not some sordid secret that we should be paying thousands of pounds to find out! It’s a three step system and today, I’m sharing the whole damn thing!


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For Successful Business | Success Is Not A Secret; It’s This System

If you decide that “Successville” is where you’re heading, then surely the first thing you need to do on is find the damn road! Your road to success starts by deciding what success actually is! Your measure of success is what success looks like to you – it’s as simple as that.

What is Success?

There’s one answer to this question: success is entirely your own perception. We apply the term “success” so liberally and to so many endeavours in our lives; from the amount of money we make to our careers and our families – even the house we live in! But what I consider successful may be way too low a standard for someone else. Your measure of success depends entirely on:

  • Your experiences of life so far
  • Your ambitions for yourself and your family
  • Your motives
  • Your wants and desires

You can only be successful if you know what you actually want. By measuring the outcomes of your achievements against the goals you set and where you WANT to be, you can determine what success looks like to you and when you get there.

The only rules for success that I will strongly suggest you set for yourself is that success is incremental. If I’m sat here in my mansion and driving my top of the range car (I’m not by the way, but I will be!) success might look very different to me than it does to the single mom living in a one-bedroom apartment. And that’s not to say that the apartment isn’t the absolute epitome of success for that individual. That could’ve been her big goal! Especially when you consider that she may have once been homeless or had countless awful things occur in her life.

Success is about what you want it to be. Who’s to say what YOUR success should look like?

And also, who’s to say that success stops there? That you’ve reached the top of your game once you get to that initial goal?

Incrementally speaking, if you’ve made it from living on the streets to your gorgeous little flat, then who’s to say that the mansion isn’t the next stop? If you want that of course!

But it doesn’t have to be!

And whose business is it anyway but yours? Both in whether or not it has anything to do with anyone else but also, it’s your damn business, right? It’s your name above the door.

Who’s to say you should be striving for that multi-million-pound life? Why not just a comfortable 3-bed semi? Who is to say, but you?

So, for starters, let’s get rid of the mindset that success is for other people. It’s not. Success depends entirely upon what YOU WANT IT TO BE. Not what society thinks it is. And although that’s a lesson all on its own, it needs saying here, because it’s important for you to understand that these keys to financial abundance don’t apply to someone else; they’re yours to take, implement and profit from as well.

Setting Goals You’ll Actually Achieve For a Successful Business

Once you know where you’re going, you need to figure out how to get there. To do that, you need to set goals. Don’t you dare yawn! Because the truth of the matter is; if you don’t know where you’re going then:

  • How will you get there?
  • How will you know what “there” even looks like?
  • How will you know if you’re already there? What if you’ve already made it?

Imagine goal setting and planning like a holiday. If you’re going somewhere to catch some rays, take in the scenery or just spending some down-time with your family, then you usually know the following:

  • Why you’re going – because if you didn’t, what’s the point of going in the first place?
  • What you want to do – because if you didn’t, you might end up in a sea side resort when you actually wanted to go sightseeing?
  • Where you’re going – because if you didn’t, would you actually go anywhere and how would you know if you’d arrived?
  • How you’re getting there – because if you didn’t, it would be pretty chaotic, and you’d probably get lost – a lot!
  • When you’re going – because if you didn’t, how would your other half know to turn up? How would you know which flight to catch?

Get my drift?

So, even though setting goals and making plans might seem a bit woo-woo; it’s actually essential to the success of any trip, project or business. Without knowing what you’re doing, you’re just fumbling around in the dark trying to achieve something, but you don’t even know what that something is.

Today then, I want you to think about and write down the answers to the following questions:

  • How much time do you want to spend in your business?
  • What can you realistically commit to and what do you actually want to do?
  • How do you really feel about your business success and what does that success look like? – is it a certain amount of money being made? How much?
  • What would your ideal business look like?
  • How many sales are you making each week/month/year?
  • How many social media followers do you have? Does that even matter?
  • Are there publications you’d like to appear in?
  • Do you want to speak at events? Where?
  • Are you an influencer in your niche?
  • Do you have employees?
  • Do you have loads of holidays and time with your family?
  • Are you retiring your partner?
  • When would you like to achieve these goals?
  • What’s a good time scale? Why that timescale? Why that date?

Now all you need to do is take action. You know what you want and you know how you’re going to get there – by breaking down those big-ass goals into manageable, actionable tasks that you can take action on every single day. Consider the smarter and passive options that are open to you to make all of it that much easier!

See, success isn’t a secret, it’s down to you, your measure of success, the goals you have in place and the actions you take to get there.

Now go, be successful!


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