Creative Cash eBook


Imagine making money while you’re spending time shopping, on holiday with your family or just drinking a cuppa in peace?

It is possible, and Creative Cash will teach you the 10 steps that WILL see your profit and impact boom, without worrying about changing what you actually love about your business!

This book will show you:

  • The basics of passive and active income, and how you can use both to create a really profitable business
  • How to use your creative nature to build additional, complementary and passive income streams into your business without putting off your customers
  • Different types of passive income that you could consider putting into your business – use them all!
  • Lots of examples of this type of business in practice!
  • Why you should plan and how to create a business plan that actually works for you, is fun to do and doesn’t make you want to cry!
  • How to measure your growth and goals so you can start achieving your measure of success; whatever that looks like to YOU
  • Why it’s essential to understand, find and target your ideal audience so you make even more sales! And just how to do it!

All of these strategies come together to give you an exact plan to create a really profitable creative product or services based business! So you can spend more time doing the things you love, with the people you love and continue loving your business!




Find out how to make extra money from the business that you love…

Your creations, skills and artistry are at the heart of everything you do…. You love it, but why is it so damn HARD to make extra money?!

And then there are those days when you wonder whether you’ll ever make more money doing all this lovely business stuff.

And when it’s good; when you spend your time coming up with new ideas, drawing up designs, and creating beautiful one-of-kind custom pieces that your customers LOVE, or delivering amazing services that really impact your clients lives – that makes it all worth it.


BUT you get overwhelmed by the time it takes to create just one piece with all that love…

And there are only so many client appointments available in one day…

On top of that you’ve got to manage your website, a gazillion social media sites and… your dreaded accounts.

Not to mention that your friends have reported you missing, and your house looks like a small war broke out.


creative cash - learn how to make more money from your creative business without changing what you love


Being able to make extra money without actually having more time is simply not possible…Is it?


Hell NO.

Fancy growing your business and boosting your profits without working harder than an Elf at Christmas?


Because guess what?

All that stuff you love to do isn’t the only way your gorgeous business can make you money!

It’s the start, but it’s certainly not the end!

The stuff that makes you want to cry like a child who just lost a helium balloon? Isn’t all essential!



I can help you imagine, design and implement MULTIPLE, NEW and PASSIVE ways of earning money in your business without spending more time in it!

Heck…when we’re through, you’ll be earning money whilst your sleeping, or on the school run, never mind when you’re in the craft room!

You do not have to exchange every hour for every penny you earn…

And this book will show you how…


Creative Cash is a simple, affordable eBook designed

to take you from:

❌ Zero energy

❌ Just enough income

❌ Spinning your wheels


✔️ More time to use as you choose

✔️ Bigger profits and more money in the bank

✔️ Less stress!

✔️ No BS!

Imagine being able to make extra money while you’re spending time shopping, on holiday with your family or just drinking a cuppa in peace?

It is possible, and I’m not selling you some £1000 course that will take an age to complete and isn’t completely matched to your lifestyle. This is a step-by-step, simple to read, portable eBook that’s only £19.99! It will teach you the 10 steps that WILL see your business boom without worrying about changing what you actually love about your business!

This book will show you:

  • The basics of passive and active income, and how you can use both to create a really profitable business
  • How to use your creative nature to build additional, complementary and passive income streams into your business without putting off your customers
  • Different types of passive income that you could consider putting into your business – use them all!
  • Lots of examples of this type of business in practice!
  • Why you should plan and how to create a business plan that actually works for you, is fun to do and doesn’t make you want to cry!
  • How to measure your growth and goals so you can start achieving your measure of success; whatever that looks like to YOU
  • Why it’s essential to understand, find and target your ideal audience so you make even more sales! And just how to do it!

All of these strategies come together to give you an exact plan to create a really profitable creative business! So you can spend more time doing the things you love, with the people you love, make extra money and continue loving your business!


creative cash - learn how to make more money from your creative business without changing what you love


And….I’m confident this book will help you because these are just some of the reviews this book is getting!


testimonial for - make more money from your small business“I really got a lot out of this book! I think it’s fabulous!

Creative Cash could have been written for me. I am the founder of two businesses, and I am working both online and offline nearly every day. Having such an informative book to refer to as I progress through my roller coaster of a journey as an entrepreneur has been invaluable.

Having the book so easily accessible (I have been reading it on my phone) around my work and family time has been amazing for me as my time management certainly needed work. I have absorbed the 10 steps to making my businesses more profitable and will continue to use the information.

This book is very practical, easy to read and so beneficial to creatives that tend to work in their business and not on it (like me). Each and every step is full of practical tips and advice to really move your business forward without becoming overwhelmed and burnt out.”

The Cuddle Bed Company

If you’ve been thinking about earning more without doing more: make a teeny, £19.99 investment in yourself and your business future today…

Even more praise for Creative Cash


testimonial for - make more money from your small business“It’s thought provoking. It’s as if Joelle looked into my head, saw all the day-dreams floating around in there and gave them a kick in the pants.

I read it all in one sitting and feel like I can form an amazing plan for diversification that will have such a positive impact on my business. It’s like an all-day workshop in a book.

Who knew that you could cram so much practical and tangible business advice into 50 pages?!”

Drawn by Light Photography

testimonial for - make more money from your small business“This is a great e-book for anyone who runs a creative business. It has everything you need to help you start your journey into new income streams that will generate more cash with minimal effort.

Joelle uses a mix of personal experience, theory-based examples and provides useful links to extra resources. It is written in a down to earth style that is really easy to follow and understand.

I am looking forward to putting these ideas into practice!”

Wooden You Love

“This book is perfect! This book has helped me in every way to look at myself as a business woman testimonial for - make more money from your small businessand I believe I can reach new levels.

I’d recommend this book to you If you’re starting a business or feel stuck and are looking to see if other paths can help give you more flexibility in your life.

It’s helped me 100% work out that it’s super important to work out my niche perfectly, first, before knowing how far I can take my new path…. Joelle, you have helped me understand that I can make my business work better for me and still have an even balance of family priorities; thank you!”


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