What Clients Are Saying About…

Galvanise & Strategise

julia-headshot“It’s not personal, it’s business. But what happens when your business is all about the personal?

Mine is and I wanted it to continue that way. I knew I needed to make some major changes to restore my work/life balance and I wanted to move my long-established Pilates studio online only. I was hoping I could use my experience and expertise in a different way. I was worried that I’d lose the all-important personal aspect to my business , that I had worked so hard on building, if I went online.

Then I met Joelle and she’s all about the personal and with a brew in hand, she listened, she understood, and she planned. Joelle put a strategic plan in motion with a team of uber talented people who operated in the same way. Joelle cares, and just as my customers trust me to take their needs into consideration and look after them, she did the same. She has turned my life around and I’m pointing where I want to be.

And my lovely customers? I’m there for them more than before, I have more energy and time to look after them and my business is all about them. Now that’s personal.”

Julia, Physiotherapist & Pilates Specialist, Physiopilates.co.uk

Dani Wainwright“Firstly you should understand what a joy to be around Joelle is… In life, some people bring you down, and others flood you with energy, warmth, possibility and creativity. Joelle is the latter – I love my sessions with Joelle and always leave them feeling fired up to make things happen.

Joelle opened my eyes to all the (many) possibilities for Passive Income. She then worked with me to explore ideas for what could be passive or semi-passive in my business, always tailored to my goals and future business direction.

The next step was for us to develop a plan to bring a product to life; both the product itself and the marketing required to sell it. We did that together, and then Joelle explained and mapped out all the platforms / tech I’d need to use to make it work, and how to go about it. She didn’t do the implementation for me, but pointed me in the right direction and was always on hand with a process flow when I got stuck and / or confused! With Joelle’s guidance I launched and sold out a group online cohort Beta course – selling it fully before I spent the time developing it. Magic.

I can’t recommend her highly enough, so knowledgeable, practical and personable.”

Daniella, Portfolio Finance Director, wainwrightconsulting.co.uk


Sarah Sienkiewicz

“Thanks to Joelle I’ve managed to restructure my business to make it simpler and more scalable. My business is much more aligned to my vision. I have a blog which has been a dream of mine for a long time and I’m clear on how to monetise it. The program was really useful in getting me clear about what needed to change, and I loved the accountability to taking action. It was invaluable to have Joelle’s support and expertise through those tricky parts, like pricing. Highly recommend working with Joelle if you want to shift away from swapping time for money and towards creating passive income products and services. I’ve done all the courses and knew what I wanted; it was so helpful to have her focused support in moving my business forward.”

Sarah, Strategy & Alignment Coach, Healingbusiness.co.uk

Bev hopper testimonial for joellebyrne.com

“Joelle’s bright and breezy disposition ensures that each session is fun and interesting. She is genuinely interested in YOU as she deep dives into your business , choosing follow up times and actions that work for you. You will uncover avenues and options within your business,  previously untapped, enjoy the journey! “

Beverly, R&D Tax Credit Specialist, Credere Solutions Ltd

“I’ve just completed my 2020-2021 accounts to get to my accountant. Despite the pandemic & my business being closed most of the year I have increased my annual turnover & just done my best financial year of business EVER!!!

I’ve had very few in-person clients throughout the past 12 months for obvious reasons (pandemic). I have taken time out with my family & sometimes I just haven’t been working because I had the freedom to choose; which means this increase is due to the passive elements that I have developed in my business!!!

Bring on ‘normality’, because with clients back plus all this, next year should be even better! I Would never have dared do it without Joelle’s belief in me. It’s blowing my mind a bit with how far I could take this!!”

Emma, Personal Trainer & Wellness Expert, Seal-Fitness.co.uk

sharon porter“I saw an amazing 133% return on investment during the programme! Working with Joelle has accelerated my business in many ways; from my offerings, finances (return on investment), connections and business structure. I feel I have the tools to fulfil my long-term goals. If you are looking to boost your business with amazing support and encouragement, Joelle and the Financial Freedom Finder is the best investment!! You won’t regret it!”

Sharon, Pre and Postnatal Personal Trainer, Sharon Porter Fitness 

Karen Amos“Joelle has been critical in helping me to change my mindset towards business and how this could work for myself and my clients.  I now own an online training and development platform, but more importantly, have a whole new approach to marketing my business and products that has been instantly successful! Consulting Joelle was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my business (and she’s a wonderful person to work with to boot!)”

Karen, Professional Coach, Bright Bird Coaching

corinna“I’ve had the seed of an idea for a long time but had no idea how to go about getting it together; I am now making the same amount of money I invested in the program every month almost passively, if not more… The membership product I have created has absolutely produced a return on my investment. At least 6 x over. Joelle was always so lovely and patient and she knows what she’s talking about! I made two sales of my membership group whilst drinking a glass of wine with my friend this afternoon.”

Corinna, New Mum Support & Coaching, The Mummy Circle

“Joelle is a fantastic coach! What I found most useful is that she really helped me to ‘get inside the head’ of my potential clients and make me think about their biggest concerns and how I would address them. It’s that perspective which would’ve been much harder to achieve alone. She’s also very warm and encouraging and makes the process feel doable rather than daunting and made me feel I CAN achieve my goals! I’m really excited to get started on my project and know that I’ll come back to Joelle when I need further strategic direction from her. Highly recommend!”

Julia Sinclair-Brown, Career Coach for Medical & Healthcare Professionals, www.juliasinclair-brown.com


I’d been thinking about creating a course for ages! I found Joelle via a contact on LinkedIn. I met for a coffee chat and was absolutely blown away by the amount of information Joelle was happy to share.

Joelle isn’t someone who gatekeeps information. She is passionate about what she does and there to help you do your best work. I loved this about her from the get-go. From the coffee chat, booking a paid session was an absolute no brainer. In one hour with Joelle you get hours upon hours of unbelievable value. She just shared openly and answered all my questions and gave me a solid steer. I would go as far to say my session with Joelle was the most productive hour I’ve ever had with any consultant.

I left both meetings with a tonne to do, but little overwhelm. I feel empowered in what I need to do next – yes still scared – but thanks to Joelle I am now working on my first course.

Joelle is energetic, passionate and knowledgeable. Truly, she is a lovely person which made the engagement even more worth it. I’m so glad we’re connected.”

Zoe Ashbridge, Senior SEO Strategist, www.forank.com

“You know when you have passive Income ideas zooming around like a whirlwind, you just don’t know where to start and so you DO NOTHING! An hour with Joelle and now it’s all very very clear!!! Thank you so much, you are a superhero (please buy a cape). Little floaty overwhelming ideas are now solid plans, with a clear structure. OMG I’ve gone from Ostrich to Awesome in one call. THANK YOU!”

Kate, Photographer & Entrepreneur, CampbellsPhotography.co.uk

Fliss“Often just an hour with a specialist is what you need to get you over the hurdles that you’re agonising over. My hour with Joelle was exactly what I needed. My brain was muddled around my offerings. Joelle helped me figure out how I could structure them so they’re future-proofed and formed in a way that I can then develop more services that compliment existing ones. Since our session I’ve had ideas popping up for new services and they work because there’s structure to my thinking now. Thanks so much for your insight Joelle.”

Fliss, Brand Positioning, Strategy & Identity, Honest Folk

“I had a 1:2:1 with Joelle month end September, just 4 weeks later I launched a monthly membership subscription. Something that was needed but I didn’t know what, thank you! What I loved was not only the gazillion bits of advice but the Zoom was recorded so I can continue to refer to it. Now is the time to be maximising your potential.”

Sharon, Author & Blogger

“Finally… it’s launched. This project has seen me commit hours and hours of coding and also brain energy I didn’t know I had. It’s one of those things that will never be finished; it will always be developed and improved but it’s now available for potential customers to see, critique (scary) and buy so that feels like a great accomplishment! Joelle has helped massively, with her priceless advice on all things affiliate / marketing / passive income, she’s really helped me structure how SwimPal will be sold and how I can make other passive income off the back of it. Highly recommend some one-on-one work with Joelle.”

Hayden, WordPress Developer, HaydenIngham.com

Pete White“You wanna know why Joelle is awesome? We worked together about leveraging the stuff I’ve got. I got my shizzle out there using 90% stuff that I already had in various forms. With just that I’ve turned over £4k between March and April (2020). One of those products doesn’t even exist yet. I’ve pre-sold it for 3k! Really, this s**t actually works! Listen to this woman!”

Pete, Mental Health Consultant, PeteWhiteConsulting.co.uk

“Joelle is excellent. So warm and helpful. She talked through an issue with me and had lots of really good ideas that I intend to implement. If you are looking for help with collaborations and passive income I’d highly recommend Joelle. She is so helpful you would be mad not to speak to her.”

Judith, Hypnotherapist

Katherine Johnson“Running your own business can be isolating, scary as well as damn hard work.  I get overwhelm quite easily and I’m a bit like a magpie and sometimes don’t end up finishing things.  After working with Joelle, things changed.  We chatted about everything and her suggestions, tips and ideas were just brilliant.  I’m in the process of working through the list and implementing as I go.  It’s been helpful to have recordings to refer back to, which has allowed me to work through at a pace that suits me.  This lady is just brilliant, and I would urge anyone who runs their own business to get in touch with her. She’ll know how to help you and you will be much better off for it. Thank you Joelle.”

Katherine, Positive Canine Coach, positivecaninecoaching.co.uk

“Thank you Joelle for an amazing mind-blowing morning and helping me unpack my ideas and turning them into real actionable steps. I’m feeling super excited and energised for smashing this next stage of business development. Onwards and upwards!”

Paul, Brand Developer, Hive of Many


“I decided to come to Joelle for help with my martial arts business after the testing times of the pandemic! She was brilliant at helping me sort out my business priorities and at helping me find new opportunities for business in places I hadn’t even thought of before! I would 100% recommend signing up for some sessions if you are also looking for support or guidance in this way!” 

Sam, Personal Trainer and Martial Arts Instructor, kick-kwondo.com

“Thanks so much for your time and all the links! The Power Hour was brilliant and your ideas were just amazing. I feel like I now have some great areas to focus on to start building a passive income and move the business further forward.”


testimonial for joellebyrne.com - make more money from your small business“Jo transforms your thinking to the point where you believe ‘I can actually do this!’ I always feel more confident, proficient and prepared after a conversation with Jo. I really can not recommend her enough.”

Saskia, Spiritual Guide, Author & Coach,  SaskiaLightstar.com

“Honestly I can’t thank Joelle enough for helping with me with what I’m wanting to do with a blog. One call with Joelle & I actually feel like confident enough to get going with it all! The most informative call I’ve ever had, I felt like I’d known her years, so easy and friendly to talk to. Thank you so much. Anybody that is on the fence about getting advice or having a chat with Joelle, I seriously recommend you do it. My brain is going crazy right now with ideas. Honestly can’t recommend Joelle enough, she really helped me understand what I should be doing.”

Hannah, Blogger

Anne Milne Riley

“(Thank you for yet another powerful and productive session with you today.)  Joelle’s insight is so helpful to me and I always feel our sessions propel me forward so much faster than I could ever achieve myself.  Off to put some of our ideas into action!!”

Anne, Director and Award Winning Coach, ConfidenceGuru.com

“I spent an hour with the lovely Joelle yesterday and what a useful hour it was. She shared some fab ideas about how to create more passive income in my business and was really honest on the best way to move forward. Love her straight talking, no nonsense, simple approach. I will get out of my own way and start writing! If you want a powerful hour on the subject of income I highly recommend investing in an hour with Joelle. Worth every penny and more.”


“I just wanted to say a big thank you for the hour today. I found it really useful and motivating, so much so that since our call, I haven’t been able to focus on my afternoon lectures (oops) and instead I have downloaded the book you recommended to me, read a fifth of it and written a 1200 word visualisation of my ideas for my business and future.

I can’t wait to put into action everything we spoke about and look forward to speaking to you again, hopefully in the not too distant future I will be booking another hour to discuss how we can grow my business even more! From what I have learnt from this book so far, it is often our own voices of negativity that hold us back and I know I do suffer from that sometimes and think ‘what’s the point of doing this, nobody is going to want to read my blogs or buy my products’ but speaking to you today has really encouraged me and helped me to believe in me and my ideas more, so thank you for that.”

Lizzie, The Everyday Student

What Clients Are Saying About…

Optimise AKA The Jollaboration

“Jo & Joelle: The North’s Power Couple!

I approached Jo & Joelle with a chronic case of emptiness headedness, and in the blink of an eye, the wide-open space between my ears was filled with ideas, plans, and pragmatic ways to execute them! Their dual approach combines business acumen and witchcraft.

Joelle took my business plan and helped me expand on my ideas to create an income stream that I hadn’t even considered. Then, something happened behind the scenes that led to Jo taking those plans and articulating my grunts into a language that effectively sells both my product and my personality. This was crucially important to me!

I thoroughly enjoyed working with both of these ladies, and I can easily imagine myself pestering them again in the future. I strongly urge you to do the same. If you don’t, you’re a fool! A fool!

That is all.”

Joanne Royle-Ellis – Financial and Human Resources Business Partner – Quantitative HR



Dani Wainwright

“What a dream team! I’d recommend Optimise to anyone wanting coherent and informed next steps for a passive income project, AND wants an awesome name and / or copy for it. 

Joelle helped me see the next right steps in a sea of opportunities calling, and Jo pulled the perfect catchy and consistent naming conventions from my overwhelmed head!”

Daniella Wainwright, Portfolio Finance Director, Wainwright Consulting




“I had a lot of potential product ideas in my head. But I needed help with the clarity to move from thinking to doing. When I discovered Optimise, the option to work with Jo and Joelle seemed too good to miss. 

The strategy call with Joelle helped me to hone in on the customer problem I wanted to solve. Then run through strategies for delivering that in a productised way. This cut through my overthinking and we arrived at an impactful but simple to execute option that I’d not even been considering. 

The positioning and copywriting call with Jo turned the practical product concept into a flurry of creative ideas. In 20 minutes we’d got more ideas than I could have thought of in a month.  We refined these down to a handful of coherent messaging options, along with numerous ideas for teaser and launch posts. 

The whole process was thought provoking, highly collaborative, and got me to an executable idea that I was delighted with. It was all done with great insight and good humour too. 

So, when you’re not sure if you need product strategy or copywriting help, why not get both? Jo and Joelle are brilliant individually, but when they combine forces they’re phenomenal.”

Rob Stubbs, Strategic Transformation Consultant & Personal Development Coach, Sparked Ambition



“Since working with Jo Watson and Joelle Byrne on their Jollaboration service, Optimise, the planning of my membership group and my SEO course has gone smoother than a freshly waxed seal pup. 5 stars, highly recommended.”

Nikki Pilkington – SEO & SEO Content – Nikki-Pilkington.com



“I booked a Jollaboration with Joelle and Jo after an excellent creative cuppa with Joelle.

I was on the fence about whether it was a good idea or not, but honestly I got so many ideas just from the creative cuppa it was ridiculous. So I booked onto the Optimise programme.

The first session was with Joelle and we spent the hour going through my idea. The session was so positive, it gave me the confidence that this idea could actually work to generate long term passive income. Obviously there is a load of work for me to do up front, but Joelle talked me through the different stages and how I need to structure the project. There were loads of really useful referrals to people also that I will need at various stages. So many things I’d not considered, which will help me no end.

The second session was with Jo, and again, so useful. This one was focused on the words for the marketing of my idea, lots of back and forth between us, really great to bounce ideas off of each other until something came up that worked. We talked landing pages, target audiences and who could help me, again, lots of referrals to lovely people who have done similar things in the past.

All in all, brilliant sessions, lots of laughter, lots of output and a massive confidence boost that this thing could become real. If you’ve got even the smallest idea for creating some passive income (or actually even if you don’t have an idea but want to come up with something), then you should book a creative cuppa with Joelle and you’ll be on your way in no time.”

Sarah Burgess – LinkedIn Career Coaching – Koru Associates

What Clients Are Saying About…

The Passive Business Academy

Nic“Passive win!! Last night we did our first live workshop. It was fab, and we’ve been asked to release the replay! That’s proper passive!!!! So chuffed! It wouldn’t have occurred to us if it weren’t for Joelle!! Then, I had my first ever passive KERCHING moment today, when I sold a workshop ticket whilst commuting! If you haven’t met Joelle, DO IT!!! What this woman doesn’t know about creating more income streams in your existing business, isn’t worth knowing!”

Nic, Instructional Designer & Tech Wizard, Digital Fixers




“I can hand on heart say Joelle is FANTASTIC at coming up with seriously bright ideas to generate extra revenue in your businesses and has a shedload of resources to help you achieve it through exploring the delicious Academy – there’s so much to discover! I can vouch for Joelle’s fantastic knowledge around everything passive income-related and so much more! Not only is she an amazing businesswoman but she’s also a lovely person to boot! You are a true inspiration Joelle and always give out such great advice – it’s hard not be infected by your enthusiasm and passion for what you preach!!”

Ami, Silversmith, A H Jewellery



“Joelle gave me hope for my business during a time when I needed it most. I’ve had a tough 19 months in my personal life and it’s still on going. So thank you.”

Clare, Stationery Designer, Paper Pen & Plan



“I was feeling lost with the business and in need of something else to help the business grow. I alsoKate Campbell felt like I needed a coach but really didn’t connect with the idea of a business coach. I left it up to the universe… and there she was. Joelle is so generous and offers great value with every product/service/time and she really champions each and every one of us.”

Kate, Photographer & Entrepreneur, CampbellsPhotography.co.uk




“I have never felt more right signing up to anything. And it’s already paying off! You know it’s good when you wake up after excited and Joelle has done that for me. Thank you! I will be forever grateful.”

Erica, Designer, Coffee Monkey Mugs



“I want to thank Joelle. When I first came to her, I was an “On the day wedding coordinator”, learning about passive income etc. I had no idea I could do anything passive at the time. She taught me and my eyes were opened. Lockdown happened… weddings were stopped! However, a total change of a plan. I am about to launch a seasonal download and I just know it’ll work!”

Joanne, On the Day Coordinator



Lianne“I need to give a massive shout out to the gorgeous Joelle Byrne for the amazing tips and ideas and for bringing an amazing support network together. With her help and support over the past however many months, it made lockdown go from panic to success. I’ve gone from 5 clients to almost triple that just in 3 months! I also have two more clients in the pipeline and a third HUGE potential client and I mean MASSIVE BEYOND MY DREAMS kind of client on board! Without Joelle’s help and support I would not have achieved this kind of success. She literally changes lives. I’ve gone from being the sole person working in my company to now taking on a 2nd VA and someone to do some of my actual client’s social media. I am so grateful to have Joelle in my life!”

Lianne, Pinterest & Social Media Specialist, Pinned Social



“This woman is truly AMAZING. She is a fountain of knowledge! So many awesome ideas to help! This lady is awesome if you have a business and are looking at adding additional income streams to it.”

Joanne, Felt Artist, The Alternative Florist



“This membership has honestly been the best money I’ve spent in a while!”

Laura, Merchandise Designer & Events Organiser, Ey Up Designs




“So… I became a Joelle fan when I saw her live. I was drawn in by her enthusiasm, her charm,Nancye sense of humour and down to earthiness, and loved her as a person immediately. I knew I needed to know more and just had to be a part of what she was offering. The trust had been built and played a big part in my decision. I joined the Academy and gradually learnt and understood what a godsend passive income could be.

Joelle explained everything in a no nonsense way that’s very easy to follow. I have learnt so much from her and continue to do so. I just love it! Not only is there LOADS of information, which you, trust me, can’t get through in a month let alone a week, Joelle is always on hand to help out. Any questions she will try to answer even if it’s not to do with passive income. She always says, ‘if I know the answer, I will tell you’. I do promise you this…. she is always that fantastic, kind, patient and helpful.

So why am I writing this? Well I want to show you how much I have learned from being in the Academy. Along with new products I have made through a drop shipping website, I have loads of plans in the making. It does take time to get it all sorted but I’m excited. This is all down to Joelle and the Academy. I have worked very hard these last few months and with the help of the Academy I now have affiliate links on my website (services and products recommend). I’m starting writing a blog, have published my first colouring page design and I’ve started adding my work to a print on demand site, and so much more… I love everything Joelle does! I need all of it! I can’t express how fabulous this all is. It’s key for me as I have PTSD, so can’t work regular hours and when I feel really crap, I can’t work at all so this passive income is invaluable. With Joelle on my side the only way is up. The Academy is packed with invaluable information from an invaluable person! I am absolutely biased as I love Joelle to bits but that love has come through her teaching me. I implore anyone to sign up.”

Nancye, Artist, NancyeArtist.com



“I wrote my plan for the week this week and was a bit thrown by just how much more time I will have. OK my income isn’t huge yet, but damn I see the potential there! I’ve done so much less work in the last 2 months, and had my most abundant months of the year. Joelle is a fabulous mentor who really got me outside of my box in the last 2 months and I will be yelling your name from the rooftops for months, probably years, to come.”

Davina, Indigosky



“I recently jumped on board the Joelle Byrne.com ship and I am so happy! I first saw Joelle at a meeting and, between you and me, there’s a bit of fangirling going on!! Joelle is amazing at helping people find opportunities to take their small businesses to the next level. I have sooooo much to learn but I am absolutely loving it! I love watching her videos. I come away having written 25 pages of notes and all excited!!!!!!!”

Siân, Teacher of Early Years Education



Jay Stansfield“Joelle’s great! I signed up to the Academy with Joelle after watching her webinar to see how I could make Squibbles generate a bit of income while I had my sleepy time (whenever the hell that is). It’s literally the first time I’ve ever clicked on join’ after an upsell. I knew it was coming but I was glad this time, which is rare!

There are some fantastic people in the private group to help, brainstorm and bounce ideas off with genuine connections. Best networking you can get. It’s been a nice guide, kept me focused and Joelle is a real Yorkshire lass with no-frills, as opposed to some self-professed ‘guru’ you normally see with these things. She makes the ideas flow! It’s easy to underestimate just how important it is to find someone to keep you engaged with video because it’s not something you can normally achieve on your own, without slipping into watching some shite on Netflix or landing on Facebook and arguing with racists.

Joelle is really engaging and uplifting, it’s what the world needs and I’m happy to give her money to tell me stuff. It’s easy to float off-track sometimes without the grounding of a mentor and guide and sometimes just endlessly searching through YouTube videos and free online courses forever and ever just takes up too much time to be worth it most of the time for me. Joelle you’ve sparked some great ideas and I’m grateful for that.”

Jay, Children’s Author, The Squibbles



“Love, love, love the Academy. Don’t hesitate to join. It’s helped me so much already in just a few short weeks. The personal chat I had with Joelle was awesome too, thank you!”

Karen, Professional Baker



“I wanted to shout about the Passive Business Academy! I joined when Joelle launched the Academy and it’s given me the kick I needed to implement all these things that have been in my head for the last year or so. I listen to a lot of marketing podcasts so i was already aware of some things but I didn’t really know where to start with actually getting them out there into the world.

In the last month I’ve created some print on demand products on and become an affiliate for some brands that I use and love. But yesterday was the best feeling to actually launch a book that will be created by me, once, and can be sold over and over again! Hello passive income (and I didn’t know I wanted to pursue this direction a couple of weeks ago, so all this has come together very quickly).

If you’re wanting to introduce ways of earning more without having to work more and more hours then I definitely recommend joining the Academy and you can learn how to do it all, as well as join a great group of people all doing the same! Really happy! I sold 18 copies of my eBook on pre-order, which was released yesterday! It will now go up to a higher price and I’ll put it on automation.

Thanks so much to Joelle for making me think completely differently about my business! In the past week I’ve closed my 1-1 design books, launched a brand new 90 Day accountability group with an accompanying planning workbook, and created some products to match my brand.

I’m so pleased to finally be moving in the direction I’ve always wanted to, but not really known how to get there! I have so much more up my sleeve that I want to implement too, thanks to the Academy.”

Sammie, The Standout Brand Studio



“Just for those of you who are still wondering whether to join the Academy, let me tell you myJo Wilson story: In March (2018) I couldn’t turn on a computer, I had no idea of how online business worked, never even heard of passive income (yes I could use a smartphone to post pics of my dog to Instagram but that was my tech limit).

In June I got a website made, looked cool, but still didn’t know how to make money (plus a knee injury stopped me doing anything, including my normal business of knit and crochet workshops). I found Joelle Byrne; this super friendly, honest and upfront woman with a serious addiction to tea and a huge amount of knowledge of passive income……

‘Yes, that sounds great, but surely I can’t make money doing that’ was my first thought.

Then she kinda tells you which route is best for you to go down, points out money you are literally leaving for someone else to pick up when it could be yours and here’s the best bit; It’s not all about techy, geeky, nerdy world stuff. I can do it!!

Now if I can do it ANYONE can do it, but in order to do it, you need the special ingredient and I truly believe that ingredient is the Passive Business Academy.

Last year this [income generation] was just a dream, and something that happened to other people. Now this is me!!! I would still be wondering how other people did it, and I would still be stuck if I hadn’t joined this amazing, super-friendly and supportive Academy! The amount of expertise and knowledge at your fingertips is unreal! The absolute BEST investment I’ve ever made is joining the Academy. I’m astounded by the value that is in there!

If it wasn’t for joining, I would still be scratching my head and wondering why I wasn’t any further forward. It’s the best thing I’ve joined and the support, encouragement and just sheer fun of the Academy group is fabulous. You will kick yourself if you miss out on this opportunity. It’s an investment in both you and your business.”

Jo, Dog Trainer, Dog School for Humans



“I’m incredibly grateful to Joelle for always being so helpful and reassuring – she’s so lovely! Thank you so much for inspiring me and opening my mind to new ideas by teaching everything you do about Passive Income. I’d come across other people online doing the whole “passive income” thing and to be honest, I always thought it was a bit of a scam. They seemed so fake and something about them just made me not trust what they were saying. But Joelle is authentic and genuine and she’s just herself! THAT made me stop and listen, and pay attention instead, and what she said was real; the way she talks about it shows that she KNOWS what she’s talking about, and that she ACTUALLY cares and WANTS to help people. I bought into Joelle – the real, lovely, mad and honest person that she is. That was what made me pay attention, and I really didn’t want to miss out on what she knows and wants to teach. This woman is AMAZING!! I mean genuinely amazing! She is a fantastic and inspiring businesswoman, a lovely, down to earth person, and she knows an INSANE amount about how to MAKE PASSIVE INCOME by leveraging your existing business. She is always FULL of ideas and thinks outside the box, using her incredible knowledge to help you MAKE MORE MONEY and break through the ‘glass ceiling’ limit on how much you can earn!!

I truly believe that there’s not a business that she can’t help find ways to earn more money. She practices what she teaches, and, the things she teaches are SO EASY to implement in your business that you can literally make money while you sleep, or are just sat having coffee with friends or even on holiday (Some of them are so simple that you will be kicking yourself that you didn’t think of them and put them to use sooner). I’ve learned so much from her. It’s incredible, and what I’ve learnt is only a snippet of what she knows. You really need to hear what she has to say!! She’s incredible and so supportive too!!”

Natalie, CEO, Domestic Support



What Clients Are Saying About…

Monetise AKA Courses

“How do you succinctly say Joelle knows her shit, and is amazing to boot? Oh, I guess, that’s how. Well, she is.

Joelle is a passive income wizard. She doesn’t just know her own stuff, she helps you figure out yours too.

I’ve wasted money on passive income ‘experts’ before so I’ll be honest, I was hesitant before I booked on to Sold in 60 (now Monetise). But, having had a cuppa with Joelle and really taking to her totally supportive and incredibly knowledgeable approach, investing some of my hard-earned cash with her to undo some prior errors seemed like the best decision I could make.

I wasn’t wrong. Not only did she help me to scope out a new product offering, she’s provided advice and guidance all the way along. She’s helped me map out my customer journey, spent time giving the benefit of her experience when I’ve hit stumbling blocks, and she’s been an all out champion and cheerleader as I’ve gone through the process.

Launching your first passive product is always going to be a learning curve, but Joelle has made it so much easier. So, if you’re thinking about ways you can earn passive income in your business, check her out. If anyone can help you, she can.”

Katie Murray, Copywriter for HR Consultants, Dolphin HR

“I did Joelle’s course and I feel like I have learnt so much and I am now aware of much more.  The course made me question how I approached what I offered and opened my eyes to what opportunities are available. I feel the course has provided me with the tools to create something that I can be proud of and will meet the needs of the customers I have in mind.

I would definitely recommend this course and working with Joelle to any of my contacts.  I have actually already referred people!”

Ben Westerby, Portfolio Finance Director, Westerby Consultancy

Jo Watson A Good Write Up“Joelle has been my go-to girl over the past few years whenever I want to create something ‘out of the box’ within my branding/offers to boost passive and semi-passive income within my business.

Thanks to Joelle’s ideas, advice and expertise, I set up a membership group around 18 months ago. It generated me a good chunk of additional income and it helped to build my brand. I was happy to let it run in the background, but then I decided I needed to be doing more with it. Joelle had long seen (and spoken about) the potential, so when the chance came up for me to join one of her small-group courses, I knew this would be the perfect place for me to really kick things into gear. Working on a million one-to-one projects with Joelle is brilliant, but there’s something about the way she brings together a group and makes everything so structured and simple that really helps with the way in which I best become productive – and progress as a result.

Within weeks of starting the course, the inspiration was flowing, and the sounding board of the group – coupled with Joelle’s advice and guidance of how best to go about relaunching and reenergising my membership group – all meant that I was cheered, championed and challenged in equal measure, to ensure that by the end of the group programme, I had a membership group offer that not only could I be proud of, but that technically sold itself. I’m not driven by money as a success marker, so my target was to earn enough income from this project purely to cover my mortgage payment and bills each month. This meant that if I chose not to do any other work in a given period (preferring to write for myself or spend more time with my little girl), then I knew I was covered financially. It’s a good feeling.

I was actually going to wind my membership down at one point prior to getting myself on Joelle’s programme, but today it’s easily my favourite part of my business, so thank you to Joelle for seeing the potential and for enabling me to reach out and grab it.”

Jo Watson, Writer of brilliant things, A Good Write Up

Russell Harvey “I had the pleasure of being part of Joelle’s Sold in 60 Programme (now Monetise) and it was fantastic from start to finish! The Programme worked really well for my style, I enjoy the input and discussion and that everything is available on the Portal. I definitely met my goals and more – I now have a much better idea of where I was going wrong in the past and the changes I need to make. Joelle’s style is so engaging and natural, she is a joy to learn from and she is totally authentic when she says she wants us to be successful – an excellent Leadership quality.” 

Russell Harvey, The Resilience Coach, www.theresiliencecoach.co.uk

amb hypnosis - in the spotlight - exciting real business examples of where additional income streams can be created. increase your small business income“Honestly I really can’t recommend this course enough. Not only is the delivery easy and understandable, but the cost of it is so affordable! The fact that Joelle is teaching you to make more money from your business in just 8 weeks is a quick turn around! Once you start to implement all that Joelle teaches you, you will get the cost of the course back in no time.”

Ann-Marie Bradley, Hypnotherapist, AMB Hypnosis


“I’ve known Joelle for around a year now and, in that time, I’ve learned two things: firstly, she is a delight to work with and secondly, she knows her stuff – front to back, up and down, left and right! She’s the real deal.

When I first heard she was a ‘passive income’ expert, my initial reaction was cynicism. There’s plenty of ‘experts’ out there, selling empty boxes. But a little due diligence later all my concerns were put to bed.

If pushed, I’d say that she isn’t really about passive income – she’s about scaling a business in a way that allows you to concentrate on the things that matter the most, rather than constantly exchanging your time for money. And I’m very much on board with that!  

Having now benefitted from her genius – from helping me form my ideas all the way through to launching my ‘thing’- I’ve seen how effective her techniques are and I’d happily recommend her to anyone”.

Jon Dunkley, Problem-Solver for Financial Services Sector, About Consulting

gen headshot

“Jo took me from reading words like ‘launch’ and ‘sales funnel’ with a frown on my face because I didn’t understand them; to a space where I do, and, where I can apply this understanding in a practical way. Jo is fabulously supportive and very responsive. I got a return on my investment as soon as I launched my semi-passive product – so essentially, I got Jo’s training for free! Let’s be honest – it doesn’t get much better than that!”

Gen Edwards, Intuitive Energy Healer, genedwards.com

“This course was fantastic! It really helped to break down what is needed to research, develop, create and launch a passive product. It is something I will refer to time and time again and I envisage many passive products filling my online shop in the future! Before the course I had lots of ideas of what I would like to do but never thought any of them would be possible. With Joelle’s clear and concise approach I have learned so much that I feel I can apply to my business going forward. In terms of Passive Products, this is really all you need to learn everything you need to know!”

Samantha, Baker Extraordinaire, The Sugar Rose Kitchen

What Clients Are Saying About…

Enterprise AKA Training & Events

“This #epic lady is blowing my mind!!!! She is cramming me and my fellow #smallbiz ladies with soooooo much fabulous info I think we may just take over the world!!!! Watch out future, there’s a whole lot of determined women coming your way!”

Angela, Maker, Dollyrocker


“I had the pleasure of photographing and listening to this awesome lady speak at Connect Wakefield networking event. Joelle Byrne is an Income Generation Strategist and I can highly recommend her – full of amazing ideas that you can implement today!!! (Thank you so much Joelle.) Her energy is infectious, her talk was inspiring and she was so generous giving each one of us something to action to bring in additional income. She got us all talking and sharing ideas – so grateful. I was blown away by all Joelle’s ideas and passion for helping people generate income”

Kate, Photographer, Campbell’s Photography Branding


“Omg today’s event was amazing. Joelle’s knowledge was unreal! Such an eye opener! Thank you so much for what you do, I had such a great time. Joelle is amazing! She blew my mind! Literally so inspiring for all of us! We all managed to take something away.”

Emma, Writer


“You have opened my mind to a whole new world of passive income! I now realise I’m sat on so much content. Lots to digest and think about and just wanted to say thanks for such value I do appreciate it”

Helen, Entrepreneur, Little Superheros


“About last night…. it was AWESOME! Joelle Byrne absolutely blew us all away with her knowledge and tips on how to scale your business and stop trading time for money! I can’t thank her enough for giving us so much VALUE! if you don’t follow this lady already… you need to! Wow! What an AMAZING evening … thank you so much Joelle; so much value, you are awesome!”

Connect Wakefield


“Your down to earth approach, common sense and enthusiasm together with your knowledge beats anything I have seen advertised online and we are lucky to have you local to us. You are doing a fabulous job!”

Helen, Floral Designer, Lavender & Swirls


“Great presentation. I love Joelle’s enthusiasm and she has great ideas. Thoroughly enjoyed it!”

Angela, Photographer, La Vue Photographique


“This woman is amazing! I love Joelle and what she teaches. I cannot recommend her enough! She has changed how I think about things. She has changed the way I think and the way I work. Passive income is the way forward! Joelle’s bursting with brilliant ideas. She’s has made me look at everything differently and she makes the ideas flow!”

Lesley, Digital Fixer & Tech Wizard, Digital Fixers


“Learnt so much from this lovely lady last night!”

Little Lane Keepsakes


“I saw one of Joelle’s videos and fell in love with her!! Loved how she wasn’t pretending to be anything but herself and I just thought ‘that’s the kind of person I want to work with’.”

Martine, Virtual Assistant, Martine Booth VA


“Awesome!! Joelle has completely changed the way I look at my business. When she spoke at the Connect Event, I was so motivated and left with a complete “can do” attitude. I Would highly recommend her talks, guaranteed to be amazing!!!!”

Siân, Teacher of Early Years Education


“I absolutely loved today and great to meet all the lovely ladies! Since attending I have had many collaborations and now offer a print on demand service which is going really, really well! That one meeting was the biggest goal changer for my business.”

Sunita, Designer, Ekantika Design ltd


“Yesterday I talked about how much I was looking forward to Joelle coming into the Super Seconds Festival community to talk about passive income – and it was everything I’d hoped for and more!

The makers in the community fed back that she was approachable, knowledgeable and very generous with her ideas and knowledge. They also said it was super accessible and made them feel they could actually do it – rather than feeling that it was another big hurdle.

Thank you Joelle – you’re amazing!”

Sophie Greenwood – The Creative Incubator | Super Seconds Festival