

Push your passive pursuits into profit


Is there anyone reading this right now who couldn’t benefit from leveraging a bit of extra cash from their business?

And is there anyone reading this right now who laughs in the face of that flighty notion, because they’ve made the assumption that to get more money, they need to do more work and trade more time?

They don’t. You don’t.

Optimise is a cracking new collaborative force from myself and copywriter, Jo Watson (www.agoodwriteup.com) – and it’s all about profiting from passive income.

Your investment to work with us both on this fabulous team-up takes two/three hours (split over two sessions) and costs a nice round £800. It’s ideal for business owners and freelancers who want to benefit not only from ideas and strategy, but also from words and action to push their passive pursuits into profit.

Interested? Of course you are. Read on below…




This is how Optimise is going to work for you:


The First Bit –

You’ve played around with a few ideas about ways to generate additional, passive, or recurring income in your existing business (a course, a resource, a digital product, a membership, an affiliate programme, etc etc etc), but you either:

a) don’t know where to start or go with it

b) don’t know how to build it and showcase it, or

c) don’t know what I’m actually talking about because you’ve never even had those ideas I mentioned in the previous sentence

Either way, you need the help of a strategist… in the form of me.

I’m going to work with you during a session of up to 90 minutes, not only to bounce around some innovative ideas and passive plans, but also to explore which of these cash building creations is right for you, right for your business/brand, and right for your customers. If, in the words of TV legend Roy Walker, those creations are “good, but they’re not right”, then your ‘thing’ isn’t passive – it’s passed out (and you should quickly pass it over).

I’m going to work with you to help you…

  • Create your passive ‘thing’ (the format, the set-up, the roll-out)
  • Shape an irresistible offer for it (the positioning and the pre-sell)
  • Leverage this profitable (if not recurring) income stream to the max, to ensure that your business continues making money for you long after you’ve finished working with me (and Jo) on this fabulous collaboration that’s all about optimising your income

And on the subject of Jo, here’s what she does…


The Third Bit –

Thanks to your first session with me (Joelle), you’re now in possession of a fantastic idea that’s surely going to galvanise you on the pathway to passive profits. A membership? A an on-demand course? A digital download? Even Jo can’t get her head around how many ways there are to increase your income from your existing business without trading any more time in the process, but that’s what you’ll have just sorted with me. We’re onto Jo, now!

Jo will grab a session with you to make sure that you’re branding up your passive product so that people can know about it, fall in love with it, and go ahead and throw their cash at it.

Strap in for a session filled with good ideas, good sense, and some good-to-go wordy wisdom.

By the end of your session with Jo to conclude your Optimise experience, you’re going to nail down the following, erm, nails:

  • A name for your new ’thing’
  • A tagline to really set it off and brand it up
  • A selection of summary statements for your web copy, sales page, and socials to let the world know what the hell you’re doing, why it’s a brilliant idea for them to invest in it, and how they can go ahead and get involved

You’re then going to strategise all of that shizzle together so that it not only gets seen but also really lands with your audience. And in doing all of this, you can also use any remaining time you have in your Jo-session to create some starter social posts to get you well on the way to world domination.

Or at least making some sales.

Sound good?

Wait, wait… you’re wondering where ‘The Second Bit’ is, aren’t you?

There’s no sneaking anything past you, is there, you wily soul!

Put simply, the second bit is all about Jo and I having a strategy catch-up session after the first bit (and before the third bit) to make sure the three of us are all absolutely on board with what’s happening and where we’re going, here.

And isn’t that a (passive) pathway you want to join us on?


What Clients Say…

“Jo & Joelle: The North’s Power Couple!

I approached Jo & Joelle with a chronic case of emptiness headedness, and in the blink of an eye, the wide-open space between my ears was filled with ideas, plans, and pragmatic ways to execute them! Their dual approach combines business acumen and witchcraft.

Joelle took my business plan and helped me expand on my ideas to create an income stream that I hadn’t even considered. Then, something happened behind the scenes that led to Jo taking those plans and articulating my grunts into a language that effectively sells both my product and my personality. This was crucially important to me!

I thoroughly enjoyed working with both of these ladies, and I can easily imagine myself pestering them again in the future. I strongly urge you to do the same. If you don’t, you’re a fool! A fool!

That is all.”

Joanne Royle-Ellis – Financial and Human Resources Business Partner – Quantitative HR


Dani Wainwright

“What a dream team! I’d recommend Optimise to anyone wanting coherent and informed next steps for a passive income project, AND wants an awesome name and / or copy for it. 

Joelle helped me see the next right steps in a sea of opportunities calling, and Jo pulled the perfect catchy and consistent naming conventions from my overwhelmed head!”

Daniella Wainwright, Portfolio Finance Director, Wainwright Consulting



“I had a lot of potential product ideas in my head. But I needed help with the clarity to move from thinking to doing. When I discovered Optimise, the option to work with Jo and Joelle seemed too good to miss. 

The strategy call with Joelle helped me to hone in on the customer problem I wanted to solve. Then run through strategies for delivering that in a productised way. This cut through my overthinking and we arrived at an impactful but simple to execute option that I’d not even been considering. 

The positioning and copywriting call with Jo turned the practical product concept into a flurry of creative ideas. In 20 minutes we’d got more ideas than I could have thought of in a month.  We refined these down to a handful of coherent messaging options, along with numerous ideas for teaser and launch posts. 

The whole process was thought provoking, highly collaborative, and got me to an executable idea that I was delighted with. It was all done with great insight and good humour too. 

So, when you’re not sure if you need product strategy or copywriting help, why not get both? Jo and Joelle are brilliant individually, but when they combine forces they’re phenomenal.”

Rob Stubbs, Strategic Transformation Consultant & Personal Development Coach, Sparked Ambition



“Since working with Jo Watson and Joelle Byrne on their Jollaboration service, Optimise, the planning of my membership group and my SEO course has gone smoother than a freshly waxed seal pup. 5 stars, highly recommended.”

Nikki Pilkington – SEO & SEO Content – Nikki-Pilkington.com




“I booked a Jollaboration with Joelle and Jo after an excellent creative cuppa with Joelle.

I was on the fence about whether it was a good idea or not, but honestly I got so many ideas just from the creative cuppa it was ridiculous. So I booked onto the Optimise programme.

The first session was with Joelle and we spent the hour going through my idea. The session was so positive, it gave me the confidence that this idea could actually work to generate long term passive income. Obviously there is a load of work for me to do up front, but Joelle talked me through the different stages and how I need to structure the project. There were loads of really useful referrals to people also that I will need at various stages. So many things I’d not considered, which will help me no end.

The second session was with Jo, and again, so useful. This one was focused on the words for the marketing of my idea, lots of back and forth between us, really great to bounce ideas off of each other until something came up that worked. We talked landing pages, target audiences and who could help me, again, lots of referrals to lovely people who have done similar things in the past.

All in all, brilliant sessions, lots of laughter, lots of output and a massive confidence boost that this thing could become real. If you’ve got even the smallest idea for creating some passive income (or actually even if you don’t have an idea but want to come up with something), then you should book a creative cuppa with Joelle and you’ll be on your way in no time.”

Sarah Burgess – LinkedIn Career Coaching – Koru Associates



Need more info and/or to find out if this is right for you? Book a cuppa with me (Joelle) to chat it through.

Oh, and if you need them, you can find the T’s & C’s here

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