The Passive Business Academy

More Stuff Equals More Money

What is the Passive Business Academy?


If you’re ready for a bank of resources that you can access at your leisure in your pursuit of passive income:

The Passive Business Academy is where you need to be.

The PBA provides a space for members to develop a range of additional income streams on the path to passive income.

Remember at school, when they taught you stuff that (if you’re honest) you didn’t need to know and probably weren’t that interested in?

Yeah, we don’t do that here.

The Passive Business Academy sets you up with foundational knowledge that’s as much fun and use as a trampette; bouncing you straight off in the right direction to the appropriate module, without having to sift through loads of irrelevant stuff – very much in the style of ‘Create Your Own Adventure’ (Remember those! They were awesome!)

No tie in, no community requirements, just learning and earning.


“More stuff equals more money”


Whilst this mantra above is something that I preach when it comes to my lovely clients adding passive income streams to make extra cash from their existing businesses, I’m equally of the opinion that when you’re investing in something, more is not always the merrier.

For me, getting lots of stuff as part of a paid package means you’ll likely pay a high price tag for the privilege, but of that ‘stuff’ you get, how much of it do you actually need, and how much of it are you even likely to make any kind of use of? The whole thing can be a false economy.

The Passive Business Academy has been running for a number of years by this point (I’ve worked with that many small business owners I can’t even remember when I set it up). Though it was always the lowest cost way to work with me, I appreciate that price is still always relative, so paying lots of cash per month could have been a big reason for why many people who loved the idea of generating more cash in their business without having to trade it for their precious time still didn’t sign up.

The Academy has seen many different business owners, freelancers and entrepreneurs create cash from within existing businesses of all shapes, sizes and sectors, and whilst I’ve loved being the person to spark the ideas of opportunity and create the pathways of success, the one thing I’ve NOT loved about the Academy, is that each and every week, I’ve sat on my arse in a Zoom Room… all on my bloody own.

Why am I telling you this?


Because I always felt that when I set up The Academy, people would want a community. A hub. A place to chat, to share, and to fact find.


But it turns out, they don’t.


People in the pursuit of passive profits join The Passive Business Academy because they want three things from what I can give them:

  1. Short, sharp and stunningly practical training videos, resources, webinars, quizzes, downloads and checklists that tell them everything they need to know about alllllllll the different elements of passive income generation that can apply to each and every business you can think of.
  2. Direct access to me as a friendly Passive Income Specialist and Business Strategist, where I can offer personalised advice, ideas and guidance to help them get the most out of the Academy’s on-demand bank of ever-growing (and ever-updating) resources on offer.
  3. To be left the hell alone to approach, apply and adapt everything at their disposal in their own time – because running a business is busy enough already.

And that’s it.

No targets, no group chats, no Zoom Rooms, no community commitment.


No sessions to schedule, no expectations to participate, no cost factored in for me to turn up and smile back at my own solitary face in an empty conference call…

It sounds harsh, but in the years of running the Academy and seeing everything I’ve produced and pulled together become wildly popular except for the opportunity to ‘chat to like-minded business owners’, I’ve realised that you’re not here to make friends.


You’re here to make money and free-up your time.


The price of membership in my Academy is now just £20 per month. No contract, no tie-in, just come and get what you need – whenever you need it.

As a bonus you’ll be gifted with the opportunity to have a complimentary ‘Creative Cuppa’ with me (a focused one-to-one call) at a chosen point in your ‘stay’, so that you can really make sure The Academy and all the goodies inside of it best fit for the financial gains you want to get from your business.

If there’s one thing you need to know about me before I sign off on this sales pitch, it’s this; It’s not that I’m passionate about passive income or jazzed about generating extra cash from the business you’re already bossing, it’s that I love a challenge. And so, if there’s something missing from the resource bank that you’d love to see me create a video, a webinar, or a resource of any kind for – or you just want me to go and do the research on something passive on your behalf so that you don’t have to bother – I’m here to do just that.

Just pay your small monthly fee, ask away, and get making some money, my friends.


At just £20 per month, can you really afford to be passive about passive income?

Additional and recurring passive revenue is ALWAYS there for the taking in any good business model. And me? I’m here to help you grab it.


Nic“Passive win!! Last night we did our first live workshop. It was fab, and we’ve been asked to release the replay! That’s proper passive!!!! So chuffed! It wouldn’t have occurred to us if it weren’t for Joelle!! Then, I had my first ever passive KERCHING moment today, when I sold a workshop ticket whilst commuting! If you haven’t met Joelle, DO IT!!! What this woman doesn’t know about creating more income streams in your existing business, isn’t worth knowing!”

Nic, Instructional Designer & Tech Wizard, Digital Fixers




“I can hand on heart say Joelle is FANTASTIC at coming up with seriously bright ideas to generate extra revenue in your businesses and has a shedload of resources to help you achieve it through exploring the delicious Academy – there’s so much to discover! I can vouch for Joelle’s fantastic knowledge around everything passive income-related and so much more! Not only is she an amazing businesswoman but she’s also a lovely person to boot! You are a true inspiration Joelle and always give out such great advice – it’s hard not be infected by your enthusiasm and passion for what you preach!!”

Ami, Silversmith, A H Jewellery



“Joelle gave me hope for my business during a time when I needed it most. I’ve had a tough 19 months in my personal life and it’s still on going. So thank you.”

Clare, Stationery Designer, Paper Pen & Plan



“I was feeling lost with the business and in need of something else to help the business grow. I alsoKate Campbell felt like I needed a coach but really didn’t connect with the idea of a business coach. I left it up to the universe… and there she was. Joelle is so generous and offers great value with every product/service/time and she really champions each and every one of us.”

Kate, Photographer & Entrepreneur,




“I have never felt more right signing up to anything. And it’s already paying off! You know it’s good when you wake up after excited and Joelle has done that for me. Thank you! I will be forever grateful.”

Erica, Designer, Coffee Monkey Mugs



“I want to thank Joelle. When I first came to her, I was an “On the day wedding coordinator”, learning about passive income etc. I had no idea I could do anything passive at the time. She taught me and my eyes were opened. Lockdown happened… weddings were stopped! However, a total change of a plan. I am about to launch a seasonal download and I just know it’ll work!”

Joanne, On the Day Coordinator



Lianne“I need to give a massive shout out to the gorgeous Joelle Byrne for the amazing tips and ideas and for bringing an amazing support network together. With her help and support over the past however many months, it made lockdown go from panic to success. I’ve gone from 5 clients to almost triple that just in 3 months! I also have two more clients in the pipeline and a third HUGE potential client and I mean MASSIVE BEYOND MY DREAMS kind of client on board! Without Joelle’s help and support I would not have achieved this kind of success. She literally changes lives. I’ve gone from being the sole person working in my company to now taking on a 2nd VA and someone to do some of my actual client’s social media. I am so grateful to have Joelle in my life!”

Lianne, Pinterest & Social Media Specialist, Pinned Social



“This woman is truly AMAZING. She is a fountain of knowledge! So many awesome ideas to help! This lady is awesome if you have a business and are looking at adding additional income streams to it.”

Joanne, Felt Artist, The Alternative Florist



“This membership has honestly been the best money I’ve spent in a while!”

Laura, Merchandise Designer & Events Organiser, Ey Up Designs




“So… I became a Joelle fan when I saw her live. I was drawn in by her enthusiasm, her charm,Nancye sense of humour and down to earthiness, and loved her as a person immediately. I knew I needed to know more and just had to be a part of what she was offering. The trust had been built and played a big part in my decision. I joined the Academy and gradually learnt and understood what a godsend passive income could be.

Joelle explained everything in a no nonsense way that’s very easy to follow. I have learnt so much from her and continue to do so. I just love it! Not only is there LOADS of information, which you, trust me, can’t get through in a month let alone a week, Joelle is always on hand to help out. Any questions she will try to answer even if it’s not to do with passive income. She always says, ‘if I know the answer, I will tell you’. I do promise you this…. she is always that fantastic, kind, patient and helpful.

So why am I writing this? Well I want to show you how much I have learned from being in the Academy. Along with new products I have made through a drop shipping website, I have loads of plans in the making. It does take time to get it all sorted but I’m excited. This is all down to Joelle and the Academy. I have worked very hard these last few months and with the help of the Academy I now have affiliate links on my website (services and products recommend). I’m starting writing a blog, have published my first colouring page design and I’ve started adding my work to a print on demand site, and so much more… I love everything Joelle does! I need all of it! I can’t express how fabulous this all is. It’s key for me as I have PTSD, so can’t work regular hours and when I feel really crap, I can’t work at all so this passive income is invaluable. With Joelle on my side the only way is up. The Academy is packed with invaluable information from an invaluable person! I am absolutely biased as I love Joelle to bits but that love has come through her teaching me. I implore anyone to sign up.”

Nancye, Artist,



“I wrote my plan for the week this week and was a bit thrown by just how much more time I will have. OK my income isn’t huge yet, but damn I see the potential there! I’ve done so much less work in the last 2 months, and had my most abundant months of the year. Joelle is a fabulous mentor who really got me outside of my box in the last 2 months and I will be yelling your name from the rooftops for months, probably years, to come.”

Davina, Indigosky



“I recently jumped on board the Joelle ship and I am so happy! I first saw Joelle at a meeting and, between you and me, there’s a bit of fangirling going on!! Joelle is amazing at helping people find opportunities to take their small businesses to the next level. I have sooooo much to learn but I am absolutely loving it! I love watching her videos. I come away having written 25 pages of notes and all excited!!!!!!!”

Siân, Teacher of Early Years Education



Jay Stansfield“Joelle’s great! I signed up to the Academy with Joelle after watching her webinar to see how I could make Squibbles generate a bit of income while I had my sleepy time (whenever the hell that is). It’s literally the first time I’ve ever clicked on join’ after an upsell. I knew it was coming but I was glad this time, which is rare!

There are some fantastic people in the private group to help, brainstorm and bounce ideas off with genuine connections. Best networking you can get. It’s been a nice guide, kept me focused and Joelle is a real Yorkshire lass with no-frills, as opposed to some self-professed ‘guru’ you normally see with these things. She makes the ideas flow! It’s easy to underestimate just how important it is to find someone to keep you engaged with video because it’s not something you can normally achieve on your own, without slipping into watching some shite on Netflix or landing on Facebook and arguing with racists.

Joelle is really engaging and uplifting, it’s what the world needs and I’m happy to give her money to tell me stuff. It’s easy to float off-track sometimes without the grounding of a mentor and guide and sometimes just endlessly searching through YouTube videos and free online courses forever and ever just takes up too much time to be worth it most of the time for me. Joelle you’ve sparked some great ideas and I’m grateful for that.”

Jay, Children’s Author, The Squibbles



“Love, love, love the Academy. Don’t hesitate to join. It’s helped me so much already in just a few short weeks. The personal chat I had with Joelle was awesome too, thank you!”

Karen, Professional Baker



“I wanted to shout about the Passive Business Academy! I joined when Joelle launched the Academy and it’s given me the kick I needed to implement all these things that have been in my head for the last year or so. I listen to a lot of marketing podcasts so i was already aware of some things but I didn’t really know where to start with actually getting them out there into the world.

In the last month I’ve created some print on demand products on and become an affiliate for some brands that I use and love. But yesterday was the best feeling to actually launch a book that will be created by me, once, and can be sold over and over again! Hello passive income (and I didn’t know I wanted to pursue this direction a couple of weeks ago, so all this has come together very quickly).

If you’re wanting to introduce ways of earning more without having to work more and more hours then I definitely recommend joining the Academy and you can learn how to do it all, as well as join a great group of people all doing the same! Really happy! I sold 18 copies of my eBook on pre-order, which was released yesterday! It will now go up to a higher price and I’ll put it on automation.

Thanks so much to Joelle for making me think completely differently about my business! In the past week I’ve closed my 1-1 design books, launched a brand new 90 Day accountability group with an accompanying planning workbook, and created some products to match my brand.

I’m so pleased to finally be moving in the direction I’ve always wanted to, but not really known how to get there! I have so much more up my sleeve that I want to implement too, thanks to the Academy.”

Sammie, The Standout Brand Studio



“Just for those of you who are still wondering whether to join the Academy, let me tell you myJo Wilson story: In March (2018) I couldn’t turn on a computer, I had no idea of how online business worked, never even heard of passive income (yes I could use a smartphone to post pics of my dog to Instagram but that was my tech limit).

In June I got a website made, looked cool, but still didn’t know how to make money (plus a knee injury stopped me doing anything, including my normal business of knit and crochet workshops). I found Joelle Byrne; this super friendly, honest and upfront woman with a serious addiction to tea and a huge amount of knowledge of passive income……

‘Yes, that sounds great, but surely I can’t make money doing that’ was my first thought.

Then she kinda tells you which route is best for you to go down, points out money you are literally leaving for someone else to pick up when it could be yours and here’s the best bit; It’s not all about techy, geeky, nerdy world stuff. I can do it!!

Now if I can do it ANYONE can do it, but in order to do it, you need the special ingredient and I truly believe that ingredient is the Passive Business Academy.

Last year this [income generation] was just a dream, and something that happened to other people. Now this is me!!! I would still be wondering how other people did it, and I would still be stuck if I hadn’t joined this amazing, super-friendly and supportive Academy! The amount of expertise and knowledge at your fingertips is unreal! The absolute BEST investment I’ve ever made is joining the Academy. I’m astounded by the value that is in there!

If it wasn’t for joining, I would still be scratching my head and wondering why I wasn’t any further forward. It’s the best thing I’ve joined and the support, encouragement and just sheer fun of the Academy group is fabulous. You will kick yourself if you miss out on this opportunity. It’s an investment in both you and your business.”

Jo, Dog Trainer, Dog School for Humans



“I’m incredibly grateful to Joelle for always being so helpful and reassuring – she’s so lovely! Thank you so much for inspiring me and opening my mind to new ideas by teaching everything you do about Passive Income. I’d come across other people online doing the whole “passive income” thing and to be honest, I always thought it was a bit of a scam. They seemed so fake and something about them just made me not trust what they were saying. But Joelle is authentic and genuine and she’s just herself! THAT made me stop and listen, and pay attention instead, and what she said was real; the way she talks about it shows that she KNOWS what she’s talking about, and that she ACTUALLY cares and WANTS to help people. I bought into Joelle – the real, lovely, mad and honest person that she is. That was what made me pay attention, and I really didn’t want to miss out on what she knows and wants to teach. This woman is AMAZING!! I mean genuinely amazing! She is a fantastic and inspiring businesswoman, a lovely, down to earth person, and she knows an INSANE amount about how to MAKE PASSIVE INCOME by leveraging your existing business. She is always FULL of ideas and thinks outside the box, using her incredible knowledge to help you MAKE MORE MONEY and break through the ‘glass ceiling’ limit on how much you can earn!!

I truly believe that there’s not a business that she can’t help find ways to earn more money. She practices what she teaches, and, the things she teaches are SO EASY to implement in your business that you can literally make money while you sleep, or are just sat having coffee with friends or even on holiday (Some of them are so simple that you will be kicking yourself that you didn’t think of them and put them to use sooner). I’ve learned so much from her. It’s incredible, and what I’ve learnt is only a snippet of what she knows. You really need to hear what she has to say!! She’s incredible and so supportive too!!”

Natalie, CEO, Domestic Support




I believe in financially accessible learning…


That means you can join the Academy today and pay the same price for life. Even if the price increases later for new customers, it won’t change for you.

You can also fully-manage your subscription without having to send any awkward “Please can I leave?” messages and then have the fear that I’ll try to convince you to stay. I don’t believe in that! Flexibility, support, and achievement are all I want for you!

Ready? Of course you are.

Let me help you with that potential…


You Don’t Need to be Afraid…


It wouldn’t surprise me if you’d been put off in the past by the ‘ick factory’ that happens when you Google phrases like ‘passive income’ or ‘make money online’?


  • Gag-inducing ‘hustle’ entrepreneurs
  • Cryptocurrency gurus
  • Snake-oil salesmen types
  • Property investment ‘experts’
  • The sippers and flippers*

*Folks sipping champagne in an infinity pool, or worse, flipping ‘cash’ in front of a fancy car or designer store!

That doesn’t happen here.

As well as being a hub for anyone looking to create their first, next or final passive product, the Academy offers unlimited access to a wealth of resources and training (webinars, downloadables, worksheets, etc) that focus on specific pathways to passive income in whatever form you want that to take (you would be AMAZED how many options there are to find and create additional income streams from your existing business – I’ve seen it all). Everything is covered from planning through to creation, and from pre-selling to world domination (well, almost).

And whatever that voice in the back of your mind says, making more money from your business isn’t about greed or about cash in the bank.

  • It’s about the choices that money gives you
  • It’s about the peace of mind that comes with having a consistently profitable business
  • It’s about the time freedom that allows you to work when you want and the financial freedom to work with who you want.

The PBA is right for you whatever your business type. Whether you provide a hands-on service, create your own products, provide your brain as a service (consulting etc.) or run an ecommerce operation, the PBA can give you the knowledge to leverage what you already do so you can earn more and gain the time freedom you deserve.

And because the PBA is a no-tie-in subscription, you can go through the process as many times as you want, for as many products as you want and stay for as long as you want! All updates are included; if something changes, the Academy will automatically be brought up to speed to reflect that, at no extra cost to you.

In Brief


  • All-in-one-place resources for sole traders, makers, freelancers, artists, subject-experts, designers and any existing business owners who are ready to learn how to create a range of passive or scalable income streams from what you know
  • 9 modules, 50+ topics, in a ‘build your own adventure’ format
  • Freedom to learn and implement at your own pace
  • One monthly price, no hidden fees, no tie-in and all managed by you!
  • Have all the tools you need to make passive income from your business the right way, not the ‘icky’ way


Full Disclosure: I don’t understand investments or believe in Crypto Currency, and I don’t tend to deal with property as a rule (other than my house), so if those are your intended pathways to passive, then that path doesn’t pass by the Academy door. For everyone else looking to earn extra income without incurring extra work, the door to the Passive Business Academy is open!
If any of those things are your bag, I have no beef with you, but you’re in the wrong place. I’m not sorry.