
You’ve jumped on the passive income, digital product bandwagon… hurrah! But now, you’re just not sure what to do. How the hell do you sell the damn thing? How do you get more eyeballs on your amazing, life-changing, digital products that you’ve so lovingly made? Where do you sell products online?

After an initial launch (which I hope you did!) it can sometimes get overwhelming trying to constantly pedal your digital products. So here’s my top 7 spots to sell, and just how to do it…

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7 places to sell your digital products


Getting your products out into the bigger world of the web is simple with Pinterest. This platform is not a social media space, it’s a search engine! Users visit Pinterest for ideas, inspiration and advice; making it the perfect spot to shout about your digital products.

Create up to 10 different engaging pins for each product you have. Share them to your own Pinterest account and also to group boards where they can be picked up by others.

Remember, Pinterest is a long game, definitely a marathon not a sprint, but it’s so worth investing time (or outsourcing) to create a consistent stream of traffic and passive sales to your products.

Just a point here: you can learn everything you need to know to set up Pinterest for success over in the Passive Business Academy 🙂



Your own website is a billboard for your products and services, so don’t confuse your potential customers by hiding digital products away. Make it super clear what you sell and who it’s perfect for, without having potential customers searching around.

Have a section on your homepage that specifically promotes your products, and have a clear shop section of your website where customers can browse the selection on offer to them. Create engaging sales pages that speak to your potential customers about the outcomes they’ll get from buying from you; don’t forget, people buy with their emotions and they want transformation! Explain that in your sales copy and you’ll be winning!


Blog posts

Mention your products within your blog posts and content marketing strategy. Never assume that visitors to one blog post know who you are and what you sell! They may never have come across you or your website before, so make it easy for readers of blog posts to get interested in what you have to offer – by telling them about it!

Obviously it needs to be relevant to the topic, but including links to your products is a must if you want people to explore further into you, your site and your offers. Use links, images and strong calls to action to inspire readers to hang around, explore and become buyers!




Repurpose Video Courses and Content

Platforms like Skillshare are teaching memberships where you can become a teacher and be paid per view of your content. If you’ve got digital content that teaches, consider sharing that content on sites like Skillshare and be paid for your knowledge.


Social Media

On average, the good citizens of the world wide web, need to be exposed to a product or service at least 7 times before they buy! Sharing once on social media is not enough anymore; you need to repeat yourself! Algorithms and the internet gods may decide that your potential buyers don’t see your post the first time. Don’t be disappointed! This is the world of social media! So share multiple times on all of your platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Create new content around your product and keep telling people how awesome it is by sharing testimonials, images, video clips and amazing outcome stories.


Trip-wires, upsells and downsells

Often underrated, the power of upsells, downsells and tripwires shouldn’t be overlooked. A tripwire can be employed after someone joins your mailing list as a subscriber, and is a simple page with an offer of your product. In addition, offering an upsell (more expensive product) or downsell (cheaper product) suggestion when a customer is already checking out is a great way to increase the items in their virtual cart. Look at companies like Amazon and massive clothing retailers; they employ exactly these methods to increase the sales of their products. You should too!


Within other digital products

When a customer has bought a digital product from you, when they get to the end, whether it’s an eBook, course or digital download, then it’s a great idea to suggest what action they take next. At this point, if you have more than one digital product then linking them together with clear calls to action at the end is a great way of creating recurring custom.



Whatever you do, don’t give up and let cobwebs grow on your lovely digital products – keep selling, keep talking about them and keep promoting! And come and join us in the Passive Business Academy to learn everything you need to know about creating, leveraging and selling digital products so you can create a business empire that doesn’t require all your time!


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