The Monetise Course

Productise your brain and design a passive income offer that actually sells

In Brief


  • Self-study course for sole traders, freelancers, subject-experts and existing business owners who are ready to create a passive or scalable income from what you know
  • Step-by-step model to design and sell your first (or 20th) passive, semi passive or scalable digital product, the right way!
  • Support sessions to keep you on track, accountable and achieving, but only if you want them! You do not get abandoned to digital dust!
  • Same price for payment in full or instalments (scroll right to the bottom of the page for more!)
  • Have all the tools you need to make passive income from your business, in as little as 30 days


Important Note: This course does not suggest any of the following ‘passive income’ methods: MLM or network marketing of any kind, crypto currency, investments of any kind or property related schtuff. I don’t know anything about any of those things so I can’t help you.

It also doesn’t include any “you can have what I have…” over-done-ickiness with images of cars, designer brands and wads of cash that makes your toes curl while scrolling social… we’re realistic here!

If any of those things are your bag, you’re in the wrong place. I’m not sorry.


“This course was fantastic! It really helped to break down what is needed to research, develop, create and launch a passive product. It is something I will refer to time and time again! Before the course I had lots of ideas of what I would like to do but never thought any of them would be possible. With Joelle’s clear and concise approach I have learned so much that I feel I can apply to my business going forward. In terms of Passive Products, this is really all you need to learn everything you need to know!”
Samantha, Baker Extraordinaire, The Sugar Rose Kitchen


As a Freelancer, one-person-band or sole trader, I can make three confident presumptions about you right now;

you work hard, you are incredibly creative and… really chuffin’ brave!

Running your own business takes hard work and some serious guts – give yourself credit for crying out loud! But because you’re here, I know you’re ambitious and brimming with ideas for your business (maybe too many sometimes?!) and you’re always thinking about the next step.

I’m also sure that you’re ready to spend more time with the people you love, experiencing the things you want to do. And you know that passive income can give you the time-freedom for that. But too many ideas plus, hello overwhelm, and you get stuck every damn time you even start to think about it.

You maybe Googled it. You may have read a bit about what others are doing. And then you stumbled on the ick-factory of other supposed ‘passive income streams’. Or people swinging their hair in the sunshine and telling you “you can have this too!” Bull…

And then you forget for a bit. But the idea is still there… living rent-free in your mind. Annoyingly.

All this tells me that you’re more than likely ready to really impact your part of the business world; to help even more people than your current schedule (and perhaps your offers) allow?

I know you’re totally ready to be THE subject expert that people turn to, but without filling your diary (and your brain!) to bursting (and burnout!)

I’m also confident that you can get even more from your business than you think. Perhaps more profit with less time-slog? But you keep getting stuck.



You can help more people, take time off AND earn more money from what you do best.

So let’s design and sell your first passive income or scalable digital product and put some of that creative juice you’ve got to work shall we?

I’d love you to come and immerse yourself in the world of digital products and the other gorgeous, like-minded business owners on route with you (because ‘journey’ is so overdone right?!) Study at your own pace, buy reduced-rate support calls if you need them – with no pressure, no formalities and no upsells, to design and launch a brand new passive, semi-passive or scalable digital product with solid foundations.

If you are motivated, organised and have a spare 30 days, you can get an offer out to your market in that timeframe (yes, really!) and Monetise will show you how. However, if you’re like the majority of us and need to take your sweet time, I can support you to get things out into the world a bit more steadily.

Whichever route you decide, I expect you to start earning from your new knowledge during the course, and cross the finish line with cash in your pocket and a complete plan to continue to grow your business the right way. Whatever happens, you’ll be supported and cheered on every step of the way by your tutor (me!). What’s not to love?

Don’t rely on me; let this lovely lot tell you about it…


Jo Watson A Good Write Up“Joelle has been my go-to girl over the past few years whenever I want to create something ‘out of the box’ within my branding/offers to boost passive and semi-passive income within my business.

Thanks to Joelle’s ideas, advice and expertise, I set up a membership group around 18 months ago. It generated me a good chunk of additional income and it helped to build my brand. I was happy to let it run in the background, but then I decided I needed to be doing more with it. Joelle had long seen (and spoken about) the potential, so when the chance came up for me to join one of her small-group courses, I knew this would be the perfect place for me to really kick things into gear. Working on a million one-to-one projects with Joelle is brilliant, but there’s something about the way she brings together a group and makes everything so structured and simple that really helps with the way in which I best become productive – and progress as a result.

Within weeks of starting the course, the inspiration was flowing, and the sounding board of the group – coupled with Joelle’s advice and guidance of how best to go about relaunching and reenergising my membership group – all meant that I was cheered, championed and challenged in equal measure, to ensure that by the end of the group programme, I had a membership group offer that not only could I be proud of, but that technically sold itself. I’m not driven by money as a success marker, so my target was to earn enough income from this project purely to cover my mortgage payment and bills each month. This meant that if I chose not to do any other work in a given period (preferring to write for myself or spend more time with my little girl), then I knew I was covered financially. It’s a good feeling.

I was actually going to wind my membership down at one point prior to getting myself on Joelle’s programme, but today it’s easily my favourite part of my business, so thank you to Joelle for seeing the potential and for enabling me to reach out and grab it.”

Jo, A Good Write Up 


Russell Harvey“I had the pleasure of being part of Joelle’s Programme and it was fantastic from start to finish! The Programme worked really well for my style, I enjoy the input and discussion and that everything is available on the Portal. I definitely met my goals and more – I now have a much better idea of where I was going wrong in the past and the changes I need to make. Joelle’s style is so engaging and natural, she is a joy to learn from and she is totally authentic when she says she wants us to be successful – an excellent Leadership quality.” 

Russell, The Resilience Coach



amb hypnosis - in the spotlight - exciting real business examples of where additional income streams can be created. increase your small business income

“Honestly I really can’t recommend this course enough. Not only is the delivery easy and understandable, but the cost of it is so affordable! The fact that Joelle is teaching you to make more money from your business is a quick turn around! Once you start to implement all that Joelle teaches you, you will get the cost of the course back in no time.”

Ann-Marie, AMB Hypnosis



“I’ve known Joelle for around a year now and, in that time, I’ve learned two things: firstly, she is a delight to work with and secondly, she knows her stuff – front to back, up and down, left and right! She’s the real deal.

When I first heard she was a ‘passive income’ expert, my initial reaction was cynicism. There’s plenty of ‘experts’ out there, selling empty boxes. But a little due diligence later all my concerns were put to bed.

If pushed, I’d say that she isn’t really about passive income – she’s about scaling a business in a way that allows you to concentrate on the things that matter the most, rather than constantly exchanging your time for money. And I’m very much on board with that!  

Having now benefitted from her genius – from helping me form my ideas all the way through to launching my ‘thing’- I’ve seen how effective her techniques are and I’d happily recommend her to anyone”.

Jon Dunkley, About Consulting


gen headshot

“Jo took me from reading words like ‘launch’ and ‘sales funnel’ with a frown on my face because I didn’t understand them; to a space where I do, and, where I can apply this understanding in a practical way. Jo is fabulously supportive and very responsive. I got a return on my investment as soon as I launched my semi-passive product – so essentially, I got Jo’s training for free! Let’s be honest – it doesn’t get much better than that!”




“This course was fantastic! It really helped to break down what is needed to research, develop, create and launch a passive product. It is something I will refer to time and time again and I envisage many passive products filling my online shop in the future! Before the course I had lots of ideas of what I would like to do but never thought any of them would be possible. With Joelle’s clear and concise approach I have learned so much that I feel I can apply to my business going forward. In terms of Passive Products, this is really all you need to learn everything you need to know!”

Samantha, The Sugar Rose Kitchen



“I did Joelle’s course and I feel like I have learnt so much and I am now aware of much more.  The course made me question how I approached what I offered and opened my eyes to what opportunities are available. I feel the course has provided me with the tools to create something that I can be proud of and will meet the needs of the customers I have in mind.

I would definitely recommend this course and working with Joelle to any of my contacts.  I have actually already referred people!”

Ben, Westerby Consultancy



“How do you succinctly say Joelle knows her shit, and is amazing to boot? Oh, I guess, that’s how. Well, she is.

Joelle is a passive income wizard. She doesn’t just know her own stuff, she helps you figure out yours too.

I’ve wasted money on passive income ‘experts’ before so I’ll be honest, I was hesitant before I booked on to Sold in 60 (now Monetise). But, having had a cuppa with Joelle and really taking to her totally supportive and incredibly knowledgeable approach, investing some of my hard-earned cash with her to undo some prior errors seemed like the best decision I could make.

I wasn’t wrong. Not only did she help me to scope out a new product offering, she’s provided advice and guidance all the way along. She’s helped me map out my customer journey, spent time giving the benefit of her experience when I’ve hit stumbling blocks, and she’s been an all out champion and cheerleader as I’ve gone through the process.

Launching your first passive product is always going to be a learning curve, but Joelle has made it so much easier. So, if you’re thinking about ways you can earn passive income in your business, check her out. If anyone can help you, she can.”

Katie, Dolphin HR

Learn How To Make More Money With Passive IncomeSo who the hell am I to help you?


I’m Joelle, AKA JB, a Business Strategist working with entrepreneurs and business owners who are at capacity with what they do – but who would still love to make more money and have more impact within their business or venture.

When people hear the phrase “passive income”, they instantly recoil. They imagine it to be a way of making mere pocket money via something completely different to their business; a bit like a side-hustle or a pyramid scheme that will alienate everyone they know.

What I do isn’t anything like that. You can relax.

When I talk about passive income, what I mean is finding multiple ways and means in your existing business to create income streams that are hard at work… even when you’re not.

Examples of this include productising; courses, memberships and digital products, leveraging existing content and getting paid for stuff you already do; but trust me, the list really is endless, and my knowledge really is boundless. As a Strategist, I’m here to work with each of my clients over a period of time, to make sure that they can choose, create and develop the most appropriate, enjoyable and profitable passive income options possible. And that’s what this course is designed to do.

Most clients come to me when they are at capacity, which means they have no more time to exchange for money. This means they can’t possibly generate more revenue from their existing business model alone, and this is where I work my magic. In fact, in all cases, those clients develop such successful and scalable revenue streams and passive products, that they actually end up with more time as well as more money.

Win, win.

I believe it is possible to sell more of what you already create and to diversify where most of the income in your business actually comes from. The more passive income streams you have, the higher your turnover and the more customers you can reach, without overwhelming yourself! And that’s why I created the Monetise Course.

You do not need to change what you love to do, to have the financial and time freedom your business can deliver to you. You just need the model, and I’m sharing it with you. This course is the best value for money I can offer you, with group support partnered with on-demand lessons that you can keep using, time and again. It’s the perfect blend of me and you; so what in heaven’s name are you waiting for?

You should not have to choose between being time or cash poor –

that’s no choice at all.


Desiring to earn more money and take time off from your business is not about greed, ego or selfishness: It’s about having the freedom and choice that we all know our business has the potential to bring us.

It’s about giving you and your family the lifestyle you deserve and the time that goes with it. Truly, working less for more is about having choices based on what you want, not what you have time to do. This is not about the cliched “six figure lifestyle” that’s so overdone (unless that’s what you really want!)

Picture the scene…

You wake up, get your caffeine hit, open your emails and see all the sales that have rolled in the day before.

Imagine sitting down at the end of the day, having made real progress with your one to one clients, only to glance at your phone to see sales made, and fulfilled, without having lifted a finger on that side of the business.

Imagine spending a day with friends know you’re not creating a hole in your business progress.

Imagine booking your family break without having to work your butt off before you go to ‘replace’ the money you’ll lose while you’re away.

Imagine relaxing and KNOWING sales are rolling in.

Imagine the impact of helping hundreds, even thousands, more people with your little business!

Imagine having success measured against what you actually want – not what everyone thinks you should have.

Could there be anything more satisfying?



Stop Worrying About Being Part of ‘The Many’


The best part of productising your brain is that, through your new creation, you will impact the lives of customers who wouldn’t normally be able to work with you (for any number of reasons).

I understand that the ‘everyone is doing a course‘ idea may have crossed your mind. And that might feel true. In all honesty though, there are customers out there who don’t want to buy from ‘the many‘; they want to buy from YOU. They want YOUR teaching style, YOUR perspective, YOUR outcomes, the way YOU deliver them.

But they might not be able to buy those from you. YET.

From logistical to financial reasons, and many in between (reasons you’ll explore on the course), customers who need YOU and YOUR METHOD of delivery aren’t able to buy from you. They are there, ripe for educating, but not able to access your existing offers.

You’d be doing those people a disservice if you DON’T create a product or offer that they can use and gain success from.

By productising your brain into a passive or scalable offer, you’re allowing those ‘periphery’ customers to benefit from your boundless knowledge and expertise. You’re giving them an ‘in’, where none existed before.

Not creating a passive, scalable or semi-passive product because ‘everyone’s doing that‘ is, quite frankly, nonsense. Those people creating other course aren’t you, and most importantly, their customers aren’t yours.


That potential right there… it’s yours.

Course Structure

  • Lesson 1 – Planning Your Success
  • Lesson 2 – The Passive Business Model and Periphery Customers
  • Lesson 3 – Your Customer’s Journey
  • Lesson 4 – Crafting Your Offer
  • Lesson 5 – Pre-Selling Your Offer
  • Lesson 6 – Releasing your offer, automation, marketing your product and making sales
  • Lesson 7 – Evaluation, Leverage & Maximising Returns
  • Bonus Lesson – Combining the Cash
  • Bonus Lesson – Maximising Website Sales
  • Lesson 8 – Future Offers, Marketing & Moving forward
  • Reduced price one to one clinics for any help or outside perspective you might need
  • Plus – Unlimited access to all videos, templates and documents in your exclusive, lifetime-access members area

Passive / Scalable / Semi-passive Products we’ll cover on this course:

  • Digital products (Content and so many other digital wonders!)
  • Memberships
  • Subscription Models
  • Digital Courses
  • Drip-fed courses
  • Group coaching programmes
  • Group training programmes
  • Leveraging services, creating additional products and content repurposing
  • Affiliate marketing

This is a rinse and repeat model, so you can go through the process as many times as you want, for as many products as you want! And all updates are included; if something changes, the course will automatically be updated to reflect that, at no extra cost to you.


I believe in financially accessible learning…


That means you can buy this course for the same price whether you’re paying in full or in instalments.

Whichever method you choose, your course will be automatically delivered to you on receipt of your payment.

Ready? Of course you are.

Let me help you with that potential…