

Anne promptly ended our call with 27 minutes remaining on the clock. You see, when you book with me, you get an hour. But that’s not what you’re paying for. You’re paying for the outcomes, the ideas and that feeling that you have to go and implement ‘all the things’ straight away. Just like Anne.

That’s the thing about these sessions – you’ll get it right first time without floundering or second guessing which direction to take. You’ll be chuffed to bits with the offers you’re creating, the time you’re saving and the impact your business is having.

During our hour, you’re guaranteed to get your business offers and operations set straight. You’ll be propelled forward and finally unravel that woolly tangle of ideas that have been tying your brain in knots for months. I will tug on that thread; and we can accelerate and shape your product offers, design a more passive strategy that works around you and create the freedom and satisfaction you deserve from your business.

All the strategies we discuss will be perfectly aligned with your business vision, goals and values. They’ll be designed to increase the service you provide to your clients and multiply the authority you have in your field of expertise whilst allowing you both time and financial freedom from your business.

And you too might want to run off in the midst of a call to ‘do all the things’ you’ll be bursting to action. Oh, and for those of you who worry you’ll forget all those ideas raining down on you like confetti (without getting massive cramps in your hands from all the note taking!), don’t worry. You get the session recording. So yeah, these sessions are just the gift that keeps on giving.

This is a single 60 minute, 1 to 1 package designed to give your business model a ‘leg-up’ from being a slave to the clock.


Pete White“You wanna know why Joelle is awesome? We met about leveraging the stuff I’ve got and creating an online course. I got my shizzle out there using 90% stuff that I already had in various forms. With just that I’ve turned over £4k between March and April 2020, Around 3k profit. One of those products doesn’t even exist yet. I’ve pre-sold it for 3k! Really, this s**t actually works! Listen to this woman!”

Pete White, Mental Health Consultant,




Anne promptly ended our call with 27 minutes remaining on the clock. You see, when you book with me, you get an hour. But that’s not what you’re paying for. You’re paying for the outcomes, the ideas and that feeling that you have to go and implement ‘all the things’ straight away. Just like Anne.

That’s the thing about these sessions – you’ll get it right first time without floundering or second guessing which direction to take. You’ll be chuffed to bits with the offers you’re creating, the time you’re saving and the impact your business is having.

During our hour, you’re guaranteed to get your business offers and operations set straight. You’ll be propelled forward and finally unravel that woolly tangle of ideas that have been tying your brain in knots for months. I will tug on that thread; and we can accelerate and shape your product offers, design a more passive strategy that works around you and create the freedom and satisfaction you deserve from your business.

All the strategies we discuss will be perfectly aligned with your business vision, goals and values. They’ll be designed to increase the service you provide to your clients and multiply the authority you have in your field of expertise whilst allowing you both time and financial freedom from your business.

And you too might want to run off in the midst of a call to ‘do all the things’ you’ll be bursting to action. Oh, and for those of you who worry you’ll forget all those ideas raining down on you like confetti (without getting massive cramps in your hands from all the note taking!), don’t worry. You get the session recording. So yeah, these sessions are just the gift that keeps on giving.

This is a single 60 minute, 1 to 1 package designed to give your business model a ‘leg-up’ from being a slave to the clock.


Katherine Johnson

“Running your own business can be isolating, scary as well as damn hard work.  I was introduced to Joelle by a good friend who also runs her own business and it’s been one of the best things to have happened.  I get overwhelm quite easily and I’m a bit like a magpie and sometimes don’t end up finishing things.  After working with Joelle, things changed.  We chatted about everything and her suggestions, tips and ideas were just brilliant.  I’m in the process of working through the list and implementing as I go.  It’s been helpful to have recordings to refer back to, which has allowed me to work through at a pace that suits me.  This lady is just brilliant, and I would urge anyone who runs their own business to get in touch with her. She’ll know how to help you and you will be much better off for it. Thank you Joelle.”

Katherine, Positive Canine Coach,

Package details:

Galvanise is single hour dedicated to exciting you and your business, held over Zoom. I do the work with you, designed around you and your business needs; plus, I’ll hold you accountable for everything you’d like to achieve, if you want me to of course.



“(Thank you for yet another powerful and productive session with you today.)  Joelle’s insight is so helpful to me and I always feel our sessions propel me forward so much faster than I could ever achieve myself.  Off to put some of our ideas into action!!”

Anne, Director and Award Winning Coach,




“I come off our calls/away from our meetings and I’m just too excited by everything I’ve learned and everything I can go on to do!! You are EPIC at what you do!! No bullshit motivation/ empowerment – just great ideas and sound advice about what steps to take (and in what direction). Right as we speak I am putting into place so many ideas that she’s given me… things I wouldn’t have had the confidence to go after alone, and things I’d never even thought of doing at all had she not put them out there.”

Jo Watson, Writer of Brilliant Things,

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